Carolyn Joyce, President
Carolyn is Ryan's Mother and the co-founder of Ryan's Rebels.
Michael Joyce, Vice President
Michael is Ryan's Father and the
co-founder of Ryan's Rebels.
Vikki Lovvoll, Director
Vikki works in Princeton, NJ and she is Ryan's Godmother. She resides in Lawrenceville, NJ with her husband and three children. Vikki handles planning and our mission statement.
Lorraine Iwaszkiewicz, Director
Lorraine is the owner of Creative Development Daycare in Trumbull, CT. She resides in Monroe with her husband and has four grown children and two granddaughters. Lorraine handles events and volunteers.
Mary Beth Ryan, Director
Mary Beth is co-owner of Miller Ryan, LLC - a public relations firm. She resides in Trumbull with her husband and two sons. Mary Beth handles public relations, website, and social media for the foundation.
Charles Flynn, Director
Charles is an educator in the Fairfield, CT school system and currently serves on the Board of Education in Orange, CT. He resides in Orange with his wife and three children. Charles assists with the Superhero Assistance Fund.
Katherine Jamieson, Director
Katherine has been an educator for the past 20 years and is currently in the New Canaan, CT school system. She resides in Fairfield with her husband and four children. Katherine coordinates our events.
Kevin Joyce, Director
Kevin is a Sales Director. He resides in Prospect, CT with his wife and two daughters. Kevin leads our fundraising efforts.
Isabelle Lovvoll, Junior Director
Isabelle resides in NJ and is Ryan's Cousin. She attends high school in Princeton, NJ and handles foundation and event volunteers.